
Having an area of 1280 ha, this region is located in the northwest of Anguran wildlife refuge and has been protected since 1970. This mountainous rolling land is located in Zanjan Province. The altitude rangr of 1240-3320 m and mean annual precipitation and temperature of 450 mm and 6C, respectively, have resulted in Meditaranean and temperate sub-humid climates. 178 animal and 171 plant species have been identified in the region. The vegetation cover is mainly composed of rangeland species such as wormseed, acanthofyllum, astragal, prickly thrift, tulip, poppy, giant fennel, summer savory, summer svory, Persian globe thistle and shrub species like Turk terebinth pistache, almond, pistache, cotoneaster, berberry, walnut and oleaster. The region is an excellent habitat for Armenian sheep and wild goat. Other animal species include brown bear, common fox, Eurasian lynx, stone marten, Caspian snowcock, common partridge, sandgrouse, starling, griffon vulture, eagle owl, gray leg goose, shelduck, ruddy shelduck, heron, teal, great white heron, zigzag mount viper and Central Asian torise. Various fish species such as European chub, barbell fish and Danube catfish inhabit the high-flow rivers of Qezel Ozon, Angoran chay, Halab, Kaka and Darband, flowing in the region. The existence of several huge mines in the region has resulted in soaring exploitation growth and in turn, negative environmental impacts. High animal and plant biodiversity, eye-catching landscapes, spas and historical and cultural monuments have facilitated educational, research and tourist activities in the region.